Monday, March 5, 2007 Photo Storage Site

I decided to use the website for photo storage called It is a website that is sponsored by HP. This website has free on-line sharing and storage. They say that they have the highest quality pictures for only $0.12 each after the first free 20, and that you can create personalized gifts, cards. They also advertise free developing for your first roll of film. Though in order to proceed any further with this website you must complete a registration form.
The pros of using a web-based storage system is that you may use it when you're on the go at any point in time, and can access and share your information if you wish to do so. The best part is that you can do most of these things for free, or for a reasonable price. Therefore I beleive that makes this a great photo storage website and would tell others about it and encourage them to use it.
The cons of using a web-based storage system would be that there is a possiblity of your information being broken into, or that for some reason or another you could possibly lose your information. Another con to follow those two would be that fact that you can not always access that information, perhaps where you are going does not have the internet, or you can not reach a wireless connection. Though I'm sure that as time passes this will become less and less of a problem.