This website is an on-line shopping center, where one party bids on objects and the other sells the objects. In order to access any information on buying or selling you must first set up an account with ebay. There are a few minimal requirements such as you must be 18 years or older with a credit/debit card. During this process you may also chose the PayPal option. This works as a third party buffer in order to help the buyer receive his product and the seller to receive his money in an accurate way.
When searching to buy an object all one must do is simply type into the search field what they are looking for. A list of items, which is accompanied by pictures, bidding prices, time line for bids, general description of the product, are often found fast and easy. Likewise the seller has the to accomplish the task of providing all this information, for doing so will most likely bring more people into the bidding.
Personally I have never participated in an on-line auction site before, though I have participated in simply on-line buying such as from Therefore this was all very new to me, though it seemed to me to be fairly easy and user friendly. I am glad that when a buyer is searching for a product there is a picture and short description most of the times, because even though that can be deceiving, it would hopefully aid in the decision making process.