Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Google Doc vs. Microsoft Word

Google Docs seemingly have many similarities, while at the same time they remain different. When using either Google Docs or Microsoft Word you have the choice of Fonts, Font Size, Text Color, and Number Lists. When you look at options such as your Fonts you will find that Microsoft Word has more options compared to Google Docs. Though I did not find a spellchecker on Google Docs, Microsoft Word has a spellchecker that checks as you type your document (as well as being able to check it at all at the end).
However perhaps something that is just as useful as spellchecker in a different aspect would be the fact that Google Docs have automatic Saving every few minutes, which would help prevent the lose of your documents. Google Docs is different than Microsoft Word because you have to have a Google account in order to use this product, which also requires an internet connection. While Microsoft Word is more readily available due to the fact that most computers today have this software loaded onto the computer. Both Google Docs and Microsoft Word have the copy, paste, link, and highlight option as well.
Personally after viewing both document options I prefer to use the Microsoft Word. Simply because it is what I am used, whereas I've never used the Google Docs before. Also I tend to make simply spelling errors at time, and when using Google Docs I would be more likely to mess up which would lead to an effect on my grade. However, if I was traveling using public computers and for some reason needed to write a document I would consider Google Docs because I would be able to save it to my account and bring it up on any internet connected computer I wished.

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