Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Burger King

As a class room assigment we had to make an access page as a basic nutritional guide for a fast food restuarant. It was actually alot simplier than I thought it would be, especially when we were giving a step by step process to help us along in setting it up. We had certain facts that we were supposed to list about several different food items and at the same time compare them with someone else in the class doing the same thing but for a different fast food restuarant. Basically what we learned is that you should limit the amount of fast food you eat, no matter how much it is or where it is from.

Fast food is very easy way to pig out and get fat and cause health problems. That is part of the problem with America's youth today. Today the youth eats so much unhealthy food that we are actually lowering the life expectancy ages for the furture, unlike our parents who raised it. From doing this project I will hopefully attempt to eat less fast food because of realizing the actual nutritional value. Hopefully others in the class will realize this same fact.

Just like the business web site we had to load this on to our index page and post it so that we could be graded on it. It's actually pretty easy after linking the first few things to my index page. I've actually come to like this class, until the pages start to mess up then it makes me want to throw my computer off the desk. Though in the end everything ends up working out and it's all okay.

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