Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Final Blog

After taking this class I have learned many different things about computers and how to use them. Mostly the knowledge that I have gained has been using Dreamweaver, which allows you to create a website. We have learned to make a template and then from that template create several other pages to use in your website. All of the websites that we have created all require a credits page, as well as pictures, working links, and working buttons.

As well as learning how to make and link websites, we have learned to link our blogs and wiki's as well. The blogs and wiki's are simple discussion areas where normally we are given a topic that we must discuss and prove that we atleast somewhat understand the topic matter. However for our last three blogs we were allowed to roam free (with in reason, because we needed some connection to the class room experiences).After this class I will be more capable of succeeding in the computer world. Throughout highschool I took classes such as word, access, exell, etc.

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