Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Final Blog

After taking this class I have learned many different things about computers and how to use them. Mostly the knowledge that I have gained has been using Dreamweaver, which allows you to create a website. We have learned to make a template and then from that template create several other pages to use in your website. All of the websites that we have created all require a credits page, as well as pictures, working links, and working buttons.

As well as learning how to make and link websites, we have learned to link our blogs and wiki's as well. The blogs and wiki's are simple discussion areas where normally we are given a topic that we must discuss and prove that we atleast somewhat understand the topic matter. However for our last three blogs we were allowed to roam free (with in reason, because we needed some connection to the class room experiences).After this class I will be more capable of succeeding in the computer world. Throughout highschool I took classes such as word, access, exell, etc.

Burger King

As a class room assigment we had to make an access page as a basic nutritional guide for a fast food restuarant. It was actually alot simplier than I thought it would be, especially when we were giving a step by step process to help us along in setting it up. We had certain facts that we were supposed to list about several different food items and at the same time compare them with someone else in the class doing the same thing but for a different fast food restuarant. Basically what we learned is that you should limit the amount of fast food you eat, no matter how much it is or where it is from.

Fast food is very easy way to pig out and get fat and cause health problems. That is part of the problem with America's youth today. Today the youth eats so much unhealthy food that we are actually lowering the life expectancy ages for the furture, unlike our parents who raised it. From doing this project I will hopefully attempt to eat less fast food because of realizing the actual nutritional value. Hopefully others in the class will realize this same fact.

Just like the business web site we had to load this on to our index page and post it so that we could be graded on it. It's actually pretty easy after linking the first few things to my index page. I've actually come to like this class, until the pages start to mess up then it makes me want to throw my computer off the desk. Though in the end everything ends up working out and it's all okay.

Scuba Diving Adventures Business Web Page

This week we are presenting a bussiness web page. We must create our own business, while also stating that it is a fake bussiness for potential viewers, and provide some sort of service to others. I chose to make a web site about scuba diving, because I myself am a scuba diver. I have been diving for 7 years now, and we travel down to Key Largo for a week every summer to go diving. On my web site I provide a price guide for several different trip options. As well as providing a price guide for scuba gear if the divers do not have their own and a souvenir shop which provides simple gifts as well as a disposable camera inorder to allow the divers to take pictures of their trip if they forgot to bring their own.

Each page of my website has two pictures along with two links to seperate internet pages. The first page includes a simple discription of our website and the features that we offer. It also gives you the names of the people who work and own Scuba Diving Adventures. The second page includes all of the prices. While the third page is simply the credits for webpages which I have used and included. We link our business website to our index page, which is where people are also able to view our blogs, wikis, and other class room assignments.

I used actuall scuba diving web pages as links to my web page. They pages I used include:,,, and I myself am a certified PADI diver, that is why I chose to use their web page. The NAUI website is another company you may get certified from, and the other two websites are simply related to scuba diving. Once done making the layout of my website I had to link it to my index page and make sure everything would show up when attempting to be viewed on-line. Once checked I discovered all links, pictures, buttons, and text to be in order, thankfully.

Monday, April 30, 2007

This website is an on-line shopping center, where one party bids on objects and the other sells the objects. In order to access any information on buying or selling you must first set up an account with ebay. There are a few minimal requirements such as you must be 18 years or older with a credit/debit card. During this process you may also chose the PayPal option. This works as a third party buffer in order to help the buyer receive his product and the seller to receive his money in an accurate way.

When searching to buy an object all one must do is simply type into the search field what they are looking for. A list of items, which is accompanied by pictures, bidding prices, time line for bids, general description of the product, are often found fast and easy. Likewise the seller has the to accomplish the task of providing all this information, for doing so will most likely bring more people into the bidding.

Personally I have never participated in an on-line auction site before, though I have participated in simply on-line buying such as from Therefore this was all very new to me, though it seemed to me to be fairly easy and user friendly. I am glad that when a buyer is searching for a product there is a picture and short description most of the times, because even though that can be deceiving, it would hopefully aid in the decision making process.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Geocaching vs. Letterboxing

  • What is Geocaching?

Geocaching is basically a treasure hunt in which players must use GPS’s to find the treasure locations. The coordinates which you must input into your GPS is found on-line and these caches are placed in these coordinates by individuals or organizations. Once you find the rewards the visitor is asked to take one thing and leave one item.

  • What is a GPS device?

Global Positioning System is an electronic device that is able to approximate your location within 6-20 feet. The coordinates are given in Longitude and Latitude and are used to help find the caches.

  • Where can it be purchased? How much does it cost?

You can find GPS in many locations these days such as Wal-Mart, Target, and Radio Shack or on-line if you wish. GPS’s usually can cost anywhere from $100 to $1000 depending on the capabilities of the GPS you are looking at.

  • Are there any rules associated with Geocaching?

Geocaching is a relatively new phenomenon. Therefore, the rules are very simple:

1. Take something from the cache

2. Leave something in the cache

3. Write about it in the logbook

Where you place a cache is up to you.

  • Take a look at and compare Letterboxing and Geocaching. How do the two activities differ? How are the two activities similar? Which one do you think would be the most interesting? Why?

Letterboxing and Geocaching are similar because it is like a treasure hunt to find their location and you must keep it secret and they tend to not be to easy to find. Letterboxing you simply place your stamp in the logbook whereas Geocaching you take an item from the box and replace it with a new one for the next visitor. I believe the Geocaching would be more interesting, because I believe it would be cool to see items from all over the world/country and how they move from one box to the next.

  • Have you participated or would you like to participate in either of these activities?

I have known a few people who have participated in Geocaching and I would be interested in attempting to play this form of a treasure hunt myself.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Google Doc vs. Microsoft Word

Google Docs seemingly have many similarities, while at the same time they remain different. When using either Google Docs or Microsoft Word you have the choice of Fonts, Font Size, Text Color, and Number Lists. When you look at options such as your Fonts you will find that Microsoft Word has more options compared to Google Docs. Though I did not find a spellchecker on Google Docs, Microsoft Word has a spellchecker that checks as you type your document (as well as being able to check it at all at the end).
However perhaps something that is just as useful as spellchecker in a different aspect would be the fact that Google Docs have automatic Saving every few minutes, which would help prevent the lose of your documents. Google Docs is different than Microsoft Word because you have to have a Google account in order to use this product, which also requires an internet connection. While Microsoft Word is more readily available due to the fact that most computers today have this software loaded onto the computer. Both Google Docs and Microsoft Word have the copy, paste, link, and highlight option as well.
Personally after viewing both document options I prefer to use the Microsoft Word. Simply because it is what I am used, whereas I've never used the Google Docs before. Also I tend to make simply spelling errors at time, and when using Google Docs I would be more likely to mess up which would lead to an effect on my grade. However, if I was traveling using public computers and for some reason needed to write a document I would consider Google Docs because I would be able to save it to my account and bring it up on any internet connected computer I wished.

Monday, March 5, 2007 Photo Storage Site

I decided to use the website for photo storage called It is a website that is sponsored by HP. This website has free on-line sharing and storage. They say that they have the highest quality pictures for only $0.12 each after the first free 20, and that you can create personalized gifts, cards. They also advertise free developing for your first roll of film. Though in order to proceed any further with this website you must complete a registration form.
The pros of using a web-based storage system is that you may use it when you're on the go at any point in time, and can access and share your information if you wish to do so. The best part is that you can do most of these things for free, or for a reasonable price. Therefore I beleive that makes this a great photo storage website and would tell others about it and encourage them to use it.
The cons of using a web-based storage system would be that there is a possiblity of your information being broken into, or that for some reason or another you could possibly lose your information. Another con to follow those two would be that fact that you can not always access that information, perhaps where you are going does not have the internet, or you can not reach a wireless connection. Though I'm sure that as time passes this will become less and less of a problem.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Google Search

For this Blog assignment I used the search tool Yahoo! This is is a tool that I have not used before. I normaly use the search tool google. I normally search with google simply because I am accustom to it and because I believe it mainly stays on topic with your results. I decided to search for baby names to see what type of results I would recieve and knowing that it would most likely give me a wide varities of results.
As I expected from being a popular subject to search the top 10 and even more were all relevant to my request. The URL of the first hit I received was At the top of the page the information at the top right said that I was looking at page one of about 40,800,000 in approximately 0.08 seconds.
I may be able to do a number of things to reduce the number of hits that I receive by typing in more specific search words. Such words may include gender specfic names, most popular names, name meanings or even by perhaps even knowning the type of background you want your babies name to include.

Monday, February 12, 2007


First of all it took me FOREVER to even figure out how to log into
this blogger. Finally after about 30 mins. of attempting to sign into
our group, it allowed me. Chapter 1 seems simple enough, I've glanced
through it to review the main subjects. I have a fairly good general
knowledge of computers and tend to catch on fairly quickly when it
comes to learning how to use systems, so hopefully that will apply to
this class. However, I know and understand nothing about the hardware
and inter workings of computers, so hopefully I won't need to know too
much about those type of things.

Within the first chapter they discuss they many products that people
now-a-days tend to own. I myself own a cell phone, a laptop and a
regular computer desktop. I work as a cashier and a full time student,
so I'm basically using a computer for the good part of everyday. I for
one would be lost without them, I've grown up with the generation who
has never really had to live without these types of technological
advances. My mother and father on the other hand, seem to just barely
understand how to open up their e-mail accounts and search for items

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

WOW! Second exciting nite of CISC101!!!

This is my first post. I don't really don't get why we have to blog about class, especially on the second day when I don't have two paragraphs worth of stuff to write. I took computer classes in high school such as Word, Excell, Powerpoint, etc. Though other than that I don't know much about computers. Monday night we logged onto our "mycourses" and the teacher showed us what that was all about, and how to look at the things that are posted there for her class and others that may be listed.
Not completely sure if I'm going to enjoy this class or not, but it doesn't really matter too much because I have to take it in order to even make it up to main campus in the Fall. I haven't read the first chapter of the book yet, because we have until Monday and I tend to be a procrastinator, so I can't comment on anything there. But class is about to begin so I'm going to finish up with that, goodnite!